Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Night Before Surgery

Sept. 10, 2013.

According to the instruction sheet in the mail, I am scheduled for: Laparoscopic Transhiatal Esophagectomy and Feeding Jejunostomy Tube Placement.  Say that five times really fast.  I just double-checked and all those words are spelled exactly like the instruction sheet.

Before going any further, I want to thank everyone who has wished me well, sent me email, called, sent a card, and told me that Martha and I are in their prayers.  I am humbled that so many good people are thinking about us.

The anesthesiologist just called me at 9:00 pm to go over what's going to happen tomorrow.  I could have used a lot less detail.  I'm going to get an epidural high up on my back that will provide good pain relief.  It will be in place for a few days.  I'll have many other wires and tubes, including a catheter through the urethra into the bladder.  I'll have an IV in my neck.  He went on and on.  Every time he used the words "discomfort", "some discomfort", etc. I chuckled and so did he.  I don't think I'll be chuckling when I am experiencing the discomfort.

We have to be at the hospital at 6:00 am.  I'll be put under a general anesthetic around 8:30.  Martha will have to endure the waiting room without the help of medication.  She will be joined by Caroline, Paul, and Kevin as the day progresses.  I hope they can keep each other in good spirits.  I am guessing surgery will take until 5:00 pm then an hour in the recovery room, then they wheel me into the ICU for the night.  Emphasis on "guess".

The anesthesiologist said that I will have a breathing tube (ventilator) during surgery.  They hope to remove it at the end of surgery, but there can be many factors that would make it better to leave it in until the next morning.  He emphasized that my family should not be alarmed if this happens.  As long as the ventilator is in, I'll be under full anesthesia.

For the last three to four weeks I have felt great.  I have gained enough weight that I've had to start watching what I eat.  Everything tastes great.  Well almost. I've started eating my usual breakfast of Fiber One cereal.  It doesn't taste that great.  Barbecue Rigs?  Great. Pizza?  Great.  Chips and salsa?  Great.  And finally beer has started tasting normal again, which is great.

I maxed out with worry and stress over the surgery about three weeks ago.  I think that numbed my brain so I'm not very anxious any more.  The human brain is amazing.  Talking to the Anesthesiologist made me a little anxious (I felt some discomfort) but even that faded quickly.  I hope I adapt as well to the actual circumstances.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sam and Martha, All of us at the office are thinking about you and your family. We are sending good thoughts and prayers your way. Please keep us posted ... Love and Hugs, Dr. Darryl and the Girls
