Friday, September 13, 2013

Surgery: Status Update - 7:45 PM PT / 9.13.13

This is Caroline.

It is 7:00 which means the nurse change is currently happening in the room. The new nurse is his same nurse as last night. She is very friendly. In the midst of the change, the surgeon stopped by for about 15 minutes to check on Dad. Both times, I have seen her, she has been quite upbeat and friendly. The photo below is the of the surgeon and the man is on a fellowship with the doctor. This was the most upbeat and talkative Dad was all day, today.

He took another walk, which is encouraging. The doctor wants him to walk and breathe into a small box (where when you breathe a small ball moves. The object is to get the ball as high as possible).

Otherwise, not much has happened since a few hours ago...

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that things are going well. Having the same friendly nurse is a relief. Maybe she'll let him sleep instead of waking him up all of the time.
