Friday, September 13, 2013

Surgery: Status Update - 1:45 PM PT / 9.13.13

This is Caroline.

Pain is still quite high and he seems a bit out of it today. Per the picture I posted last night, that smile is definitely not on his face today. He did sleep somewhere between 2 - 4 hours last night; however, the nurses do not document this piece of data, so we do not know for sure the exact number of hours. I am in the room and he is napping at the moment.

Earlier, he was very slowly walking around with the nurse. They are trying to make him walk every so often. He also used the bathroom.

They have been encouraging him to take the medicine in which he can dispense; yet, he is hesitant at times because it makes him feel drowsy. He is taking the medicine. Per what the nurses are saying, he could probably be taking more.

He would like to have glass of water, but he cannot swallow anything until, tomorrow (Saturday). The only thing "food wise" going into his body is something with salt through an IV that has zero calories.


  1. Encourage him to take more pain meds! He really needs to get on top of the pain to heal. Tell him I said so.

  2. The nurse just woke him up (a nurse comes in to do something about every 45 minutes, so he is always waking up). She is currently giving him a Heparin shot in his stomach.
