Sunday, September 15, 2013

Surgery: day 4 post op

Written by powell

Sam is in good spirits.  He was reading stuff on the internet when I walked in.  He self administered pain meds 3 times today.  He could be taking 4/hour so he seems to be doing well.
o 6:30am to get out of bed
o 9:00am before the walk (was not in pain just anticipating it)
o 11:30am after getting back into bed, sore back.

Sam took three laps.  No problem, no pain.

The Dr. said best case, absolute best everything goes perfect, could be three more days in the hospital (anticipating longer).  Food tube is delivering 15cc/hour and just got upped to 30cc/hour.   Hard to tell how well the food consumption is going, no diarrhea - good,  no poop - bad.

Sam is hungry.  Not even a drink of water is allowed.

Go Shockers:

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