Thursday, September 12, 2013

Surgery: Status Update - 10:30 PM PT / 9.12.13

This is Caroline.

A few updates:

  • Pain was a word we heard several times from my dad. Per my earlier post, he is now hooked up to some powerful drug in which he is able to dispense to himself once every ten minutes (if needed). The amount is programmed into a machine and when he needs the medicine he clicks a button. The nurse assured him that there is no way he could overdose. The epidural that I also mentioned today, did not take, in which allowed him to feel much pain in his abdomen this morning. The anesthesiologist that was with him during surgery, stopped by this afternoon and confirmed that in fact the epidural did not take.
His surgeon also stopped by this afternoon and removed a few items...
  • The catheter - An item that has been known to cause infections (specifically staph infections). They were going to give him a bucket type thing to pee in later tonight, so he would not have to walk to the bathroom the next few hours.
  • The tube in his noise that was bothering him last night, was removed - He was quite pleased about this going away.
  • His throat is still quite bothersome (despite some items having been removed)...the three main items causing the pain: nose tube (which was removed), breathing tube ventilator (in which was placed in his throat during the surgery), and a mini tube that is running through his neck (still in place).
  • They helped him get out of bed (the first time since before surgery) and he sat in a big, La-Z-Boy-like chair that is next to the bed. He also spent approximately 4 hours total walking around the nurses station. He said it felt good to walk around for a few minutes at a time.
  • Dad is very, very tired. Since post-surgery, he has received only 40 minutes of sleep. We left around 8:30 this evening, and he was hoping to get some sleep, tonight.

To lighten things up a bit, the nurse this evening mentioned, "I am glad he is making jokes, despite being uncomfortable and in pain!"

*Still, no visitors are allowed. Once I get confirmation that people can visit and that my dad is OK with people visiting, I will post a quick post, as I know a few of you have been asking when you can visit (I would be the same way). I have a hunch it will be late this weekend. Yesterday was the surgery and today/tomorrow the nurses want to ensure he does not get an infection. On top of that, dad is hoping to sleep most of tomorrow and perhaps Saturday.


  1. Wow - I can't believe how good you look!!
    Looking forward to the chance to talk.
    PS - I thought I was the only one in the family who like bbq'd rigs.

  2. Thanks for the update. Do you know when he will be able to go to a regular room?
