Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 24-28, second full week

I've had 3/6 chemo and 12/25 radiation treatments.  As I write this on Sunday June 30, I'm almost exactly 1/2 way through the treatment by all measures.

This week was fairly uneventful, but these symptoms have gotten worse:  fatigue, cramping, queasiness, taste, and swallowing pain.

Fatigue.  The tiredness that I've been hearing about from chemo is worse.  I noticed it this morning as I walked up the 14 steps from getting the newspaper.  My muscles all over just felt tired.  The thought of going swimming this evening (Sunday) makes me feel tired.

Cramping.  I had cramping on Thursday evening and again on Friday evening.  It was pretty uncomfortable, but I was able to get to sleep ok.  Both times, when I woke up the next morning the cramping was gone, but I felt a little queasy.  I am pretty sure the cramping is related to constipation, which was more intense this week than the previous 1-1/2 weeks.

Queasiness.  Since Friday I've had a constant, but minor, feeling of queasiness.

Taste. Starting yesterday I noticed that food isn't tasting the same and the change is not for the better.  So unless I'm hungry, the thought of the taste of different foods is not appealing.

Swallowing pain.  The swallowing seems to be transitioning from "there seems to be a small obstacle in the way" to "a slight burning sensation along with the small obstacle".  The burning sensation is more uncomfortable.

Add together the queasiness and the taste changes and I'm a lot less hungry.

Summary.  All along I've been told "the effects of chemo and radiation are cumulative".  So all these symptoms will get worse.  These symptoms are all making me uncomfortable now, with the cramping being the worst.  When I think about each of these symptoms getting worse over the next 2-1/2 weeks, wow.

PS: I met with a nutritionist this week.  She told me to start focusing on high calorie and high protein foods.  She said if I lose 10% of my body weight they'll put in a feeding tube.  I think my Radiation doctor said the same thing.  Basically, you have to eat, even though you don't feel like it (queasy, taste) and it's really going to hurt to swallow.

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