Saturday, November 2, 2013

Oct 30: Chemo Round Two Begins

Oct 30: Chemo Round Two Begins

I just finished my first round of chemo.  My schedule is to go 4 times, once every 3 weeks, so I'll be done with treatment 9 weeks from today if all goes as expected.  As I well know, done with treatment does not mean it gets better.  The 3-4 weeks after my last chemo session will be when I'll feel the worst.  Also, I will definitely lose my hair this time.  

I had chemo and radiation over a six week period prior to surgery.  Why am I having a second round of chemo?  When my surgeon, Dr. Dunst, removed most of my esophagus she sent all the tissue to pathology to be examined.  The report came back that I had six lymph nodes and three contained live cancer cells.  The original tumor had shrunk, but had not been totally "killed".

Only six lymph nodes?  Dr. Dunst said this number is unusually small, she said the pathology lab knew she'd be calling back so they double checked.  Yes, only 6.  She expected the number to be in the 15-22 range.  She does not know why there were only 6.

Three of six lymph nodes have live cancer cells in them.  This fact is why I'm in chemo for a second time.  The cancer cells have proven they can "travel" since they've moved to different lymph nodes.  Have any live cancer cells gotten out of the lymph system and traveled to other parts of my body?  There is no data to know this right now.  I've talked with three doctors about this, my surgeon, my original oncologist (chemo guy), and an oncologist Dr. Dunst really respects at her hospital.  All three said "we do not know if cancer cells have traveled."  All three seemed to say either "it is likely" or "why take a chance?"  That is, you should have another round of chemo.  So I am.

I've been dreading this day for weeks, ever since Martha and I decided it was the best course.  The chemo drugs I'm taking are quite different than last time and being given at full strength.  In the original six week chemo-plus-radiation, the purpose of the chemo was more to enhance radiation than as chemo by itself.  Also, the fact that I was taking chemo every week meant (I think) that they had to give me a less powerful dose.  I believe my Oncologist said "50% strength".  Now I have a 3 week interval between treatment in which to recover so I'm getting full strength.


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