Thursday, September 12, 2013

Surgery: Status Update - 3:00 PM PT / 9.12.13

This is Caroline.

Dad is still in the CICU and the pain is in full affect.

The epidural is no longer working, so around 2:00 PM they gave him a new drug to help ease the pain. They were also going to let him get out of the bed for a few minutes, as he has been lying flat since the surgery started yesterday morning.

He is talking, but his throat hurts like 'heck.'  It sounds like there is one drug that after he takes it, it helps ease the pain associated with the sore throat.

We are trying to not make him talk too much, as talking makes it worse.

He also mentioned pain in his abdomen area, due to the movement of so many body parts and the overall surgery.

He is also very sleep deprived and has not slept since before the surgery, or I suppose during the surgery. The nurse comes in to check on him approximately every 45 minutes, and there are a lot of people (nurses and doctors) and noises, in the CICU area, and also the fact that he is on his back. He never sleeps on his back, so being on his back, alone is not comforting. He is looking forward to when he can move into a more permanent, quieter room. It sounds like within the next day or two the move will take place.

On a more encouraging note, one of the doctors stopped by this morning and told him the surgery went very well.

Will post another update this evening...


  1. Thanks for posting updates, Caroline! I am eagerly checking. Sorry that he is in so much pain. I do hope and pray that subsides promptly. Keep posting the updates!!

  2. Thanks, Kristen.
    I wanted to post earlier; yet, the guest Internet in the hospital has been down today, so I have escaped to the closest coffee shop for a few minutes.

  3. Thanks for the updates. I hope he gets in a better room soon. Are the new drugs working?

  4. I have stepped away for a bit (to get Internet connection), and I know he wanted to attempt to sleep.
    I should know more, shortly...Will keep you posted.

  5. Thank you so much for all of the updates Caroline. Our thoughts have been with your family this week. We have been trying to send lots of positive energy your way. It was very encouraging to hear that the surgery went well. We hope to stop by this weekend for a few minutes if visitors are okay. But we understand if Sam is exhausted and wants to rest.
    - Veda and Dave

  6. Thanks, Veda!
    As of right now, I anticipate Sunday will be the day people can start visiting. However, whether it is Sunday or a different day, I will let people know as soon as I get the word.

