Saturday, June 8, 2013

Cancer Treatment Summary

Summary (as of July 7, 2013)

I've been diagnosed with esophageal cancer.  More precisely:

On my radiation chart:  T2N1 Stage IIB adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus
As summarized by Dr. Grunkemeier:  esophageal adenocarcinoma in setting of Barrett's, preoperative stage T2 N0-1 M0, clinical stage IIA- B (where T=tumor, N=Nodes, M=Metastasis).

I believe the N0-1 and the stage IIA-B both represent approximate best guesses, that is, it is either N0 or N1.  These are guesses since surgery has not been performed followed by an detailed examination of tissue. I think Nodes means "lymph nodes".

The current best treatment is the trifecta of chemotherapy and radiation, followed by surgery to remove most of my esophagus.

I've been diagnosed pretty early as a result of periodic endoscopy's and some luck.  Most people are diagnosed when they exhibit symptoms, usually a tumor grows in the esophagus to the point where it interferes with eating.  I have no symptoms.  I have been on a schedule of getting an endoscopy every other year after I was diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus in 2007.  It was a biopsy in my February 2013 endoscopy that found suspicious cells.  The doctor performing these endoscopies had me come back in May 2013. Biopsies from the May endoscopy showed cancer. There was also some bad luck.  Normally this cancer starts on the interior surface of the esophagus, where the food passes.  Mine apparently started a little further into the esophagus wall, so the biopsies taken during the February endoscopy did not catch it.



July 8, radiation #17/25 3:24p
July 9, radiation #18/25 3:24p
July 10, chemo #5/6 9:30a
July 10, radiation #19/25 3:24p
July 11, radiation #20/25 3:24p
July 12, radiation #21/25 3:24p

There will be 25 radiation treatments.  One every weekday starting June 13
There will be about 6 chemo treatments.

After chemo and radiation are finished there's a four week recovery period and then I'll have the surgery.  The surgery is major.  I am guessing the recovery from surgery will be long and difficult.


December: first endoscopy by Dr. David Grunkemeier - I am diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus.  He prescribes Nexium which dramatically reduces acid reflux for me.

January: second endocsopy (Dr. Grunkemeier) - looking better

Feb 6:  third semi-annual endoscopy to check on Barretts, "suspicious findings that require close supervision"
May 9, Thursday:  follow up endoscopy, more biopsies in and around suspicious area. 
May 13, Monday: Dr. Grunkemeir calls to say "pathologist reports cancer", schedules EUS
May 22, Wednesday:  Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) by Dr. Douglas Shumaker.  Cancer confirmed.  Tumor too deep into esophagus wall to perform an endoscopic resection.  Referred for surgery, chemo, and radiation.
May 23, Thursday: CT Scan (had to swallow barium)
May 24, Friday: PET Scan, injected with radioactive sugar
May 28, Tuesday:  Met with Dr. Christy Dunst, surgeon, esophagectomy specialist.
May 29, Wednesday: Met with Dr. Dan Gruenberg, Medical Oncologist (chemo)
May 29, Wednesday: surgery (by Dr. Dunst) to have chemo port installed
June 3, Monday: Met with Dr. Eric Hansen, Radiation Oncologist
June 5, Wednesday: Radiation CT Simulation (more barium), small targeting tattoos.
June 12, Wednesday: first chemo
June 13, Thursday: first radiation (of approx 25)
June 13, "Chemo class" - what to expect.
June 14 - July 5: radiations and chemo on schedule.

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